Currently Sign-In is closed. Open time:

For qualification: 13/11/2020 17:00 - 14/11/2020 17:00

For main draw: 15/11/2020 17:00 - 16/11/2020 17:00

For doubles: 16/11/2020 17:00 - 17/11/2020 11:00

This tournament requires IPIN. Please, go to your profile and add it to the proper field.

  • :15.11.2020 09:00
  • :50.00USD
  • Location:Haifa, Tsviya Ve-Yitshak St 2
  • : 27/10/2020 14:00
  • : 03/11/2020 14:00
  • : J5 [BS], J5 [GS], J5 [BD], J5 [GD]
  • :ITEC
